Mangalaytan University Jabalpur
Fee Structure 2024-25
Sl.Name of CourseDurationIntakeEigibilityFee/Year
Faculty of Agriculture
1M.Sc. Agriculture2 Agriculture with 50% Marks60,000
2M.Sc. Horticulture2 Agriculture with 50% Marks60,000
3M.Sc. Forestry2 Agriculture with 50% Marks60,000
4B.Sc. (H) Agriculture4 Years240

10+2 Science from recognized

education board

5B.Sc. (H) Horitculture4 Years120

10+2 Science from recognized

education board

6B.Sc. (H) Forestry4 Years120

10+2 Science from recognized

education board

7Diploma in Agriculture Science2 Years6010+2 or Equivalent in Agriculture or Science30,000
Faculty of Management Studies,Commerce & Finance
8MBA2 Years180Graduation90,000
9M.Com**2 Years60

Graduation In commerce stream in

graduation with maths and economics

10B.Com**3 Years12010+2 or Equivalent30,000
11BBA3 Years24010+2 or equivalent60,000
Faculty of Law
12LL.M. (Professional)1 Years120LL.B / Integrated LL.B with 50% Marks60,000
13LL.M. (Academic)2 Years120LL.B / Integrated LL.B with 50% Marks60,000
14LL.B.(H)3 Years120Graduation with 50% Marks72,000
15B.Com.LL.B. (H)5 Years12010+2 with 50% Marks90,000
16B.A. LL.B. (H)5 Years12010+2 with 50% Marks90,000
Faculty of Arts,Social Science & Humanities

MA** (Economics, English, Sociology,

Psychology, Political Sceince)

2 Years300Graduation25,000

BA** (Economics, English, Sociology,

Psychology, Political Sceince)

3 Years10010+2 or Equivalent20,000
Faculty of Science
19Master of Computer Applications (MCA)2 Years40Graduation with 50% Marks60,000
20Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)3 Years4010+2 or Equivalent60,000
21B.Sc. Forensic Science3 Years120

10+2 Science from recognized

education board

Faculty of Engineering & Technology
22B.Tech CSE4 Years120

10+2 with (PCM) from a recognized board.

Faculty of Pharmacy
23D Pharma2 Years60

10+2 Science from recognized

education board

24B Pharma3 Years60

10+2 Science from recognized

education board

 Admission Applicatiom Form Fees:500/-(At the time of Admission)
 Registration Fees**:Rs.5,000/- (At the time of Admission)
 Registration Fees: Rs.10.000/- (At the time of Admission)
 Examination Fee Rs.2500/- Semester.
 Examination Fee Rs. 1250/- semester for ** Course
Fee Structure 2024-25
Sl. Name of Course Duration Intake Eligibility Fee/Year
Faculty of Agriculture
1 M.Sc. Agriculture 2 Years 40 Agriculture with 50% Marks 58,000
2 M.Sc. Horticulture 2 Years 20 Agriculture with 50% Marks 41,000
3 M.Sc. Forestry 2 Years 30 Agriculture with 50% Marks 52,000
4 B.Sc. (H) Agriculture 4 Years 240 10+2 Science from recognized education board 48,000
5 B.Sc. (H) Horticulture 4 Years 120 10+2 Science from recognized education board 49,500
6 B.Sc. (H) Forestry 4 Years 60 10+2 Science from recognized education board 49,500
7 Diploma in Agriculture Science 2 Years 60 10+2 or Equivalent in Agriculture or Science 30,000
Faculty of Management Studies,Commerce& Finance
8 MBA 2 Years 120 Graduation 76,000
9 M.Com** 2 Years 40 Graduation In commerce stream in graduation with maths and economics 24,000
10 B.Com(H)** 3 Years 60 10+2 or Equivalent 24,000
11 BBA 3 Years 120 10+2 or equivalent 47,500
Faculty of Law
12 LL.M. (Professional) 1 Years 120 LL.B / Integrated LL.B with 50% Marks 40,000
13 LL.M. (Academic) 2 Years 60 LL.B / Integrated LL.B with 50% Marks 55,000
14 LL.B.(H) 3 Years 120 Graduation with 50% Marks 55,000
15 B.Com.LL.B. (H) 5 Years 60 10+2 with 50% Marks 65,000
16 B.A. LL.B. (H) 5 Years 120 10+2 with 50% Marks 64,000
Faculty of Arts,Social Science & Humanities
17 MA** (Economics, English, Sociology, Psychology, Political Sceince) 2 Years 120 Graduation 25,000
18 BA(H)** (Economics, English, Sociology, Psychology, Political Sceince) 3 Years 120 10+2 or Equivalent 25,000
Faculty of Science
19 Master of Computer Applications (MCA) 2 Years 40 Graduation with 50% Marks 34,500
20 Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) 3 Years 40 10+2 or Equivalent 25,000
21 B.Sc. Forensic Science 3 Years 120 10+2 Science from recognized education board 41,500
22 M.Sc. Forensic Science 2 Years 20 Graduation from Science stream 43,000
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
23 B.Tech (CSE) 4 Years 120 10+2 Science from recognized education board 59,500
24 M.Tech (CSE) 2 Years 20 B.Tech (CSE) and IT 59,500
Faculty of Pharmacy
25 D Pharma 2 Years 60 10+2 Science from recognized education board 59,000
26 B Pharma 3 Years 60 10+2 Science from recognized education board 74,000
Admission Applicatiom Form Fees: 500/- (At the time of Admission).
Registration Fees**: Rs.5,000/- (At the time of Admission).
Registration Fees: Rs.10.000/- (At the time of Admission).
Examination Fee Rs.2500/- Semester.
Examination Fee Rs. 1250/- semester for ** Course.
Fee Structure 2024-25
Sl. Name of Course Duration Intake Eigibility Fee/Year
Faculty of Agriculture
1 M.Sc. Agriculture 2 Years 40 Agriculture with 50% Marks 60,000
2 M.Sc. Horticulture 2 Years 20 Agriculture with 50% Marks 60,000
3 M.Sc. Forestry 2 Years 30 Agriculture with 50% Marks 60,000
4 B.Sc. (H) Agriculture 4 Years 240 10+2 Science from recognized education board 72,000
5 B.Sc. (H) Horitculture 4 Years 120 10+2 Science from recognized education board 72,000
6 B.Sc. (H) Forestry 4 Years 120 10+2 Science from recognized education board 72,000
7 Diploma in Agriculture Science 2 Years 60 10+2 or Equivalent in Agriculture or Science 30,000
Faculty of Management Studies,Commerce & Finance
8 MBA 2 Years 180 Graduation 90,000
9 M.Com** 2 Years 60 Graduation In commerce stream in graduation with maths and economics 30,000
10 B.Com** 3 Years 120 10+2 or Equivalent 30,000
11 BBA 3 Years 240 10+2 or equivalent 60,000
Faculty of Law
12 LL.M. (Professional) 1 Years 120 LL.B / Integrated LL.B with 50% Marks 60,000
13 LL.M. (Academic) 2 Years 120 LL.B / Integrated LL.B with 50% Marks 60,000
14 LL.B.(H) 3 Years 120 Graduation with 50% Marks 72,000
15 B.Com.LL.B. (H) 5 Years 120 10+2 with 50% Marks 90,000
16 B.A. LL.B. (H) 5 Years 120 10+2 with 50% Marks 90,000
Faculty of Arts,Social Science & Humanities
17 MA** (Economics, English, Sociology, Psychology, Political Sceince) 2 Years 300 Graduation 25,000
18 BA** (Economics, English, Sociology, Psychology, Political Sceince) 3 Years 100 10+2 or Equivalent 20,000
Faculty of Science
19 Master of Computer Applications (MCA) 2 Years 40 Graduation with 50% Marks 60,000
20 Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) 3 Years 40 10+2 or Equivalent 60,000
21 B.Sc. Forensic Science 3 Years 120 10+2 Science from recognized education board 72,000
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
22 B.Tech CSE 4 Years 120 10+2 Science from recognized education board 1,00,000
Faculty of Pharmacy
23 D Pharma 2 Years 60 10+2 Science from recognized education board 80,000
24 B Pharma 3 Years 60 10+2 Science from recognized education board 100,000
Admission Applicatiom Form Fees: 500/- (At the time of Admission).
Registration Fees**: Rs.5,000/- (At the time of Admission).
Registration Fees: Rs.10.000/- (At the time of Admission).
Examination Fee Rs.2500/- Semester.
Examination Fee Rs. 1250/- semester for ** Course.